Main research areas
Workplace integration of refugees
How do refugees find a job and what kind of work do they find? How can companies contribute to successful integration?
Selected publications
Ortlieb, R.; Baumgartner, P.; Palinkas, M.; Eggenhofer-Rehart, P. & Ressi, E. (2024). Employment outcomes of refugee women and men: multiple gender gaps and the importance of high-skill jobs. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2379945. (free access)
Knappert, L.; Ortlieb, R.; Kornau, A.; Maletzky de García, M. & van Dijk, H. (2023). The ecosystem of managing refugee employment: Complementarity and its microfoundations. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9(3): 339-362.
Ortlieb, R. & Knappert, L. (2023). Labor market integration of refugees: An institutional country-comparative perspective. Journal of International Management, 29(2): 101016. (free access)
Ortlieb, R. & Ressi, E. (2022). From refugee to manager? Organizational socialization practices, refugees' experiences and polyrhythmic socialization. European Management Review, 19(2): 185-206. (free access)
Ortlieb, R.; Glauninger, E. & Weiss, S. (2021). Organizational inclusion and identity regulation: How inclusive organizations form 'Good', 'Glorious' and 'Grateful' refugees. Organization, 28(2): 266-288 (free access).
Ortlieb, R.; Fasching, M. & Glauninger, E. (2020). Refugees in the workplace: How integration succeeds. Practical guide for employers. Graz. (free access)
Ortlieb, R. & Weiss, S. (2020). Job quality of refugees in Austria: Trade-offs between multiple workplace characteristics. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(4): 418-442. (free access)
Ortlieb, R.; Eggenhofer-Rehart, P.; Leitner, S.; Hosner, R. & Landesmann, M. (2020). Do Austrian programs facilitate labor market integration of refugees? International Migration, online first, DOI: 10.1111/imig.12784. (free access).
Significance of the Covid pandemic for HR management
What have companies learned from the Covid pandemic and how have they done it?
Selected publications
Bešić, A.; Hirt, C. & Rahimić, Z. (2024). Contextualizing employee engagement in crisis: A protective caring approach to employee engagement in the banking sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 46(9): 42-59. (free access)
Ressi, E.; Weiss, S. & Ortlieb, R. (2024). Whose interests matter? The role of participation in inclusive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(9): 1364–1396.
Bešić, A; Hirt, C. & Rahimić, Z. (2022). "We are quite well prepared" - Developing HR systems in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Wieczorek-Kosmala, M; Gurkov, I. & Steger, T. (Eds). Challenges of Management in the COVID-19 Reality. Journal of East European Management Studies (JEEMS). Special Issue. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 28-48.
Hirt, C.; Bešić, A. & Đurđević, J. (2022). Telework and digitalization: COVID-19 and the impact on human resource management. Austrian Management Review, 12: 65-73 (free access).
Ortlieb, R.; Kranzelbinder, A.; Pendl, A.; Schügerl, V.; Schwarzl, A. & Steiner, K. (2022). Video conferencing in the work context: Do they turn the traditional gender order upside down? Journal of Diversity Research and Management, 7(1): 68-72.
Ortlieb, R.; Ressi, E. & Weiss, S. (2021). What Can Employers and Employees Learn from the Corona Crisis? Second results report on written employer surveys and company case studies as part of the DIALOG research project (Digitales Arbeiten: Lernen, organisieren und gestalten). Graz. (free access)
Migration and company personnel strategies for dealing with people with a migration background
How do migrants find a job, and what opportunities and challenges are associated with international careers?
Selected publications
Leschke, J. & Weiss, S. (2023). Labor market hierarchies between intra-EU migrants: Why do mobile workers from the EU-West obtain better jobs and wages than those from the EU-East? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(16): 4092-4119.
Leschke, J. & Weiss, S. (2020). With a little help from my friends: Social-network job search and overqualification among recent intra-EU migrants moving from East to West. Work, Employment and Society, 34(5): 769-788.
Ortlieb, R. & Weiss, S. (2019). How do labor market intermediaries help young Eastern Europeans find work? In: O'Reilly, J.; Leschke, J.; Ortlieb, R.; Seeleib-Kaiser, M. & Villa, P. (Eds). Youth labor in transition. Inequalities, mobilities, and policies in Europe. New York: Oxford University Press: 443-460.
Hirt, C.; Ortlieb, R.; Winterheller, J.; Bešić, A. & Scheff, J. (2017). Developing international talents: How organizational and individual perspectives interact. European Journal of Training and Development, 41(7). 610-627 (free access)
Winterheller, J. & Hirt, C. (2017). Career patterns of young highly skilled migrants from South-East Europe in Austria. Investigating accumulation and use of career capital. Personnel Review, 46(2): 222-236.
Ortlieb, R. & Sieben, B. (2013). Diversity strategies and business logic: Why do companies employ ethnic minorities? Group & Organization Management, 38(4): 480-511.
Gender and diversity in organizations
What factors influence gender relations in the workplace and cooperation between diverse groups of employees? How can equal opportunities be created?
Selected publications
Knappert, L.; Cnossen, B. & Ortlieb, R. (2024). Inequality regimes in coworking spaces: How new forms of organizing (re)produce inequalities. Work, Employment and Society, online first, DOI: 10.1177/09500170241237188. (free access)
Ortlieb, R.; Baumgartner, P.; Palinkas, M.; Eggenhofer-Rehart, P. & Ressi, E. (2024). Employment outcomes of refugee women and men: multiple gender gaps and the importance of high-skill jobs. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2379945. (free access)
Bešić, A.; Rahimić, Z.; Hirt, C. & Ortlieb, R. (2022). Gender inequality and the under-representation of women in managerial positions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Klarsfeld, A.; Knappert, L.; Kornau, A.; Ng, E.S. & Ngunjiri, F.W. (Eds). Research handbook on new frontiers of equality and diversity at work. Cheltenham & Northampton, Ma.: Edward Elgar: 54-71.
Ortlieb, R.; Kranzelbinder, A.; Pendl, A.; Schügerl, V.; Schwarzl, A. & Steiner, K. (2022). Video conferencing in the work context: Do they turn the traditional gender order upside down? Journal of Diversity Research and Management, 7(1): 68-72.
O'Reilly, J.; Leschke, J.; Ortlieb, R.; Seeleib-Kaiser, M. & Villa, P. (Eds) (2019). Youth labor in transition. Inequalities, mobility, and policies in Europe. New York: Oxford University Press. (free access)
Ortlieb, R. & Sieben, B. (2019). Balls, barbecues and boxing: Contesting gender regimes at organizational social events. Organization Studies, 40(1): 115-133. (free access)
Krell, G.; Ortlieb, R. & Sieben, B. (2018). Gender and diversity in organizations. Fundamentals of equal opportunities through personnel policy. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Besic, A. & Hirt, C. (2016). Diversity management across borders: The role of the national context. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 35(2): 123-135.
Ortlieb, R. & Sieben, B. (2013). Diversity strategies and business logic: Why do companies employ ethnic minorities? Group & Organization Management, 38(4): 480-511.
Krell, G.; Ortlieb, R. & Sieben, B. (eds.) (2011). Equal opportunities through personnel policy. Equality of women and men in companies and administrations. Legal regulations - problem analysis - solutions. 6th, fully revised and expanded ed. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Southeast Europe
What HR strategies do Austrian companies pursue with regard to their business activities in South Eastern Europe, and what are the special features of HR management in South Eastern European companies?
Selected publications
Bešić, A.; Hirt, C. & Rahimić, Z. (2024). Contextualizing employee engagement in crisis: A protective caring approach to employee engagement in the banking sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 46(9): 42-59. (free access)
Bešić, A; Hirt, C. & Rahimić, Z. (2022). "We are quite well prepared" - Developing HR systems in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Wieczorek-Kosmala, M; Gurkov, I. & Steger, T. (Eds). Challenges of Management in the COVID-19 Reality. Journal of East European Management Studies (JEEMS). Special Issue. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 28-48.
Bešić, A. & Ortlieb, R. (2019). Expatriates of host-country origin in south eastern Europe: Management rationales in the finance sector. European Management Review, 16(3): 667-681. (free access)
Ortlieb, R.; Rahimic, Z.; Hirt, C.; Besic, A. & Bieber, F. (2019). Diversity and equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limits to legislation, public debate and workplace practices. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 38(7): 763-778. (free access)
Besic, A. & Hirt, C. (2016). Diversity management across borders: The role of the national context. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 35(2): 123-135.
Academic careers and working conditions in universities
What factors influence the demarcation between the professional and private lives of scientists, and how can the career insecurity of young scientists be reduced?
Selected publications
Weiss, S. & Ortlieb, R. (forthcoming). Professional-personal boundary work: Individuals torn between integration and segmentation. German Journal of Human Resource Management.
Weiss, S. (2019). Boundary between professional and private life in the scientific field. A Bourdieu perspective. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Research.
Ortlieb, R. & Weiss, S. (2018). What makes academic careers less insecure? The role of individual-level antecedents. Higher Education. 76(4): 571-587 (free access).